Chiropractor Noble Park

Welcome to the
Police Road Chiro clinic

The Police Road Chiro (PRC) clinic in Noble Park has a patient-centred approach for the assessment and management of back pain and neck pain, and associated problems such as headaches, shoulder pain, hip pain and sciatica. We offer chiropractic treatment, massage therapy and dry needling.

If you have back or neck problems, call 9546 7784 or Book online and get great care. The clinic is located at 340 Police Road, Noble Park North.

So why choose PRC for your care?

Our Noble Park Chiropractors 20+ years in practice & the wealth of experience of having managed thousands of cases of back pain and neck pain relating to hundreds of different circumstances – sitting at a desk, lugging tools around, bending in the garden, sleeping awkwardly, arthritis, a long-term disc injury, stress, etc, etc, etc.

Most treatments include massage to the injured area.  The massage techniques include trigger point therapy and deep tissue therapy.

The clinic does longer consultation times – 20-40 minutes depending on the case.

Chiropractic care is done a little differently at this clinic – it’s still chiro but with a modern, updated approach.  The treatments are safe and effective and are tailored to the needs and comfort of the patient.

PRC is a preferred provider with BUPA and Medibank Private.

chiropractor noble park
chiropractic clinic noble park

What is done at PRC?

The clinic philosophy is a simple one: get you out of pain as quickly and as safely as possible.  Of course there are a lot of different reasons for spinal pain, but most back pain and neck pain are a combination of joint and muscle problems.  

The treatments done at our Noble Park clinic usually combine spinal work (manipulation and mobilisation) and muscle work (deep tissue massage and trigger point therapy).  In some instances, dry needling is used.  Most patients are given stretches and strengthening exercises to do and are encouraged to do them regularly to complement the hands-on care.

Spinal manipulation or adjustments (‘back cracking’) is utilised by us in delivering chiropractic care because of its effectiveness in managing back pain; however, the clinic acknowledges that not everyone wants to have it done. If you prefer not to have it done or it’s not an appropriate technique for you, that’s okay, there is another gentler method used here (spinal mobilisation) which is also very effective.

Dry Needling is another effective pain relief technique for muscles– but as with spinal manipulation it is only used on those patients who are happy to have it done.

What is treated at PRC?

A wide range of conditions are treated.  Some patients have acute pain.  This means the pain is quite intense and has usually started in the days or weeks prior to coming to the clinic.  Others have more chronic pain.  This type of pain has usually been around for a longer period (months to years) and may be caused by work activities or work posture, a previous injury, spinal degeneration or osteoarthritis to name a few.

Many people seek treatment, not because they are in pain, but because they have stiffness or tightness at the neck and back (with posture issues possibly involved) and need help with loosening muscles and correcting posture.  Desk-bound workers are often in this category.

The manner in which patients are affected by these conditions vary greatly – ranging from those patients who can hardly walk because of their pain to those people who come in feeling a bit stiff and after a ‘tune-up.’

 Whatever your situation may be, our Chiropractors in Noble Park will work with you to figure out what is the underlying issue causing your ailment and how is it best resolved.

Why is it done this way?

To provide effective care.  There is no cookie-cutter or production-line approach at this clinic.  Every patient has different needs and preferences when it comes to healthcare, and the aim at this clinic is to respect those needs via listening to the patient, doing a good examination, thorough explanations that the patients can understand, and providing effective  care – that is, getting  patients out of pain!!

Some patients will have their problem resolved within one or two treatments and we’ll send them on their way, others will require more longer-term care with a more detailed care plan including stretching and strengthening.

Police Road Chiro are located in Noble Park and offer chiropractic services across Melbourne and the following suburbs: Aspendale, Clayton, Parkdale, Dandenong, Endeavour Hills, Keysborough, Springvale and the surrounding area.

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Proudly Associated With

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Frequently Asked Questions

Chiropractors are musculoskeletal practitioners who mainly treat back pain and neck pain, and associated issues including sciatica, headaches, migraine, shoulder pain and hip pain. Chiropractors can also help with spinal problems that may not be necessarily producing pain but may be affecting a person’s ability to function normally in their daily life. For example, poor posture at the computer.

Chiropractors use a broad range of techniques to help with back and neck problems.

At the Police Road Chiro in Noble Park, there is an evidence-based approach to care which means there is an attempt to combine the best available research evidence with clinical expertise and patient values. Treatments are usually a combination of muscle work (deep tissue massage, trigger point release therapy, and stretching), and work on the spinal joints (mobilisation and manipulation). Patients are advised on stretching and strengthening exercises to do at home

Our Noble Park chiropractors advise on rehabilitation exercises and posture improvement techniques that can aid back and neck strengthening and improve posture for the longer term.

A further comment on manipulation of the back: Many people are aware that chiropractors do spinal manipulation for treatment of back pain. Spinal manipulation is sometimes referred to as ‘back-cracking’ because there is often an audible crack/click that is produced with the technique. This sound occurs because of gas being released at the joint – a normal physiological occurrence.

In recent years, there have been many videos appearing online in social media and video-sharing platforms showing these ‘back-cracking’ techniques being performed. Given the harsh and sometimes brutal nature of the techniques done in some of these videos, it is important to note that chiropractors in Australia undertake five years of university study where, during clinical training, there is always an emphasis on making patient well-being and safety the key factor in any decisions made about a patient’s care.

The average cost to see a chiropractor in Australia for an initial consultation is usually in the range between $75 and $120.

The average cost to see chiropractor in Australia for a standard consultation is usually in the range between $50 and $75.

Patients with private health insurance (PHI) that includes chiropractic cover can expect a rebate of, on average, between half to two-thirds of the fee. For example, if you have PHI that covers two-thirds of the fee and the chiropractor you are seeing charges $60, then you would expect to pay an out-of-pocket fee of $20 at the time of consultation.

Please refer to the FEE tab of the Police Road Chiro website for the fee schedule at this clinic. You’re welcome to contact the clinic if you have further questions regarding fees.

If you have a neck or back problem, whether you’re stiff and tight or in pain or having an issue that’s affecting your ability to function normally, a chiropractor can help.

Chiropractors undertake a five-year university degree and are well qualified to manage a range of musculoskeletal injuries involving the back and neck and associated problems such as headaches and sciatica.

An initial chiropractic consultation involves taking a detailed history of the patient’s complaint and performing an exam of the patient. The history and exam serve multiple vital purposes. They can help the chiropractor work out the nature of the problem which, in turn, helps inform the chiropractor the best way to manage the problem.

The history and exam also help determine whether further investigation (x-rays, MRI, etc) is warranted. Furthermore, they help a practitioner decide if the problem is within their scope of practice. There are many different reasons for back pain and neck pain and in some instances the most appropriate course of action for the chiropractor is to refer to another practitioner (GP, neurologist, neurosurgeon, pain specialist, etc) for their opinion and management.

Chiropractic treatment for lower back pain generally focuses on correction of joint dysfunction and reducing muscle tightness. Management may also include lifestyle changes, such as exercise and techniques to improve posture. Most people see significant relief within a few visits, although some may need ongoing care to maintain results. Relief from lower back pain can often be long-lasting when the underlying cause is addressed – particularly if this is combined with an effective stretching and strengthening program.

At the Police Road Chiro, lower back pain is usually managed with a combination of massage (deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy) and spinal joint work (mobilisation and manipulation). Patients are prescribed stretches and mobility exercises to complement the hands-on therapy.

Patients are often encouraged to undertake strengthening work for their lower back via such activities as hydrotherapy and Pilates to help improve and maintain strength into the longer term.

Loose-fitting clothing is best. However, we understand that a lot of people attend appointments straight from work or university and don’t have the time or opportunity to change clothes prior to attending – that’s not a problem. Come as you are.

Book Your Appointment

For quality chiropractic care and massage therapy, choose Police Road Chiro.
Open Saturdays for patient convenience. You will be cared for! Call us today!